- Allgemeines
Das Emirat Katar ist seit seiner Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien im Jahr 1971 ein Scheichtum unter Führung der Al-Thânî-Sippe. Auch wenn die Scharia in der Verfassung von 2004 verankert ist, verfügt Katar über ein maßgebliches Zivilgesetzbuch. Katar ist Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen (UN), der Arabischen Liga, der OPEC, der OAPEC und der WTO (Welthandelsorganisation).[1] Auf Grund der großen Erdöl und Gasvorkommen gilt Katar bezogen auf das BIP/Person als einer der reichsten Länder der Erde. Ebenso wie seine Nachbarstaaten ist Katar an einer über Rohstoffe hinausgehenden Rolle interessiert. So fand im Jahr 2012 die UN-Klimakonferenz in Doha statt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2022 investiert Katar umfangreich in Stadien und den Infrastrukturbau.
[1] https://<awww.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Recht-Zoll/wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht,did=458796.html 15.11.2012
- Berufsausübung
Schutz der Berufsausübung und reglementierende Institutionen
In Katar wird generell zwischen „Architectural Engineering“ und „Architecture“ unterschieden. Die Berufsausübung „Architectural Engineering“ ist in Katar gesetzlich durch Law No. (19) of 2005[1] „Regulating the practice of the engineering professions” festgelegt. Im “Architects Act” aus dem Jahr 1987 bzw. dem Registration Act des Architect’s Accreditation Registration Council of Qatar (AARCQ) wird die klassische Architektentätigkeit “Architecture” reguliert.
Im Folgenden wird zunächst auf das Gesetz 19/2005 und dann auf den Registration Act des AARCQ eingegangen.
Das Ministerium für Stadtverwaltung und Stadtplanung (Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning[2]) reguliert die Berufsausübung des Engineers durch einen Akkreditierungsausschuss für Ingenieure und Beratungsbüros („Engineer & Consulting Offices Accrediting Committe“[3]). Grundlage hierzu bildet das Gesetz 19/2005, das wie folgt aufgebaut ist:
Abbildung 1: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
Inhalte des Gesetzes Nummer 19 von 2005 Ministeriums für Stadtverwaltung und Stadtplanung
Quelle: Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning, Law No. (19) of 2005
Eigene Darstellung; freie ÜbersetzungIn Teil 5 des Gesetzes 19/2005[4] heißt es in Article 22, dass Ingenieurbüros keine Leistungen erbringen dürfen, ohne registriert zu sein:
Article 22
Local and International engineering Offices may not practice the profession except after enrollment in the register and obtaining a certificate indicating enrollment and containing the details of number and date of enrollment in the register and the category of engineering specializations they may practice.The certificate referred to, and any modifications thereof, must be displayed in a visible place within the premises in which such offices carry on their works. They must also display the said information, with the exception of the date, in all their papers, printouts, drawings and designs. [5]
Darüber hinaus dürfen nach Artikel 23 eingetragene Ingenieure nur in dem jeweils eingetragenen Feld arbeiten, in dem sie eingetragen sind:
Article 23
Engineers enrolled in the Register of Engineers may not practice the profession in more than one of the engineering specializations or in a category higher than the one under which they are classified.Im Folgenden sind die Felder der Ingenieurs-Spezialisierungen aufgeführt. Hierzu zählt auch „architectural engineering“:
Specializations of the Engineering Professions (Part Two – Article 8 – Gesetz 19/2205)
Civil Engineering
- construction engineering
- roads & traffic engineering
- hydraulic, irrigation and sewage engineering
- infrastructure & soil engineering
- public works engineering
- air & sea ports engineering
- sanitary & ecological engineering
- survey engineering
Architectural Engineering
- architectonics
- architectural engineering
- urban planning
- architectural designing
Mechanical Engineering
- mechanical power engineering
- conditioning, cooling, heating and ventilation engineering
- fluid mechanics engineering
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- electrical engineering
- electronic & computer engineering
- electrical power & auto control engineering
- electrical grids & distribution engineering
Chemical & Petroleum and Gas Engineering
- chemical engineering
- petroleum and gas engineering
- petrochemical engineering
- geological engineering
- metals engineering
- mines and mining engineering
- basic synthetic engineering
Quantity Calculation & Cost estimation
- Quantity Calculation
- Cost estimation
Projects Management:
Management of projects in all specializations and engineering works.
Industrial Engineering
Systems engineering
Security & Safety Engineering
Communication Engineering
Abbildung 2:
Spezialisierungen von Ingenieuren
Quelle: Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning: Engineer & Consulting Offices Accrediting Committee; 19/2005; Part II; Article 8
Eigene DarstellungArchitectural Engineers dürfen demzufolge in Katar nur bauen, wenn sie und ihr bzw. das Büro, für das sie arbeiten, in das „Register of Engineers“ des Ministeriums für Stadtverwaltung und Stadtplanung eingetragen sind. Architekten spezialisieren sich in der Kategorie 2 „Architectural Engineering“. Es ist nicht möglich in mehreren Kategorien eingetragen zu sein.
Bei der Registrierung von Büros wird nach Gesetz 19/2005 zwischen folgenden Kategorien unterschieden (weiter unten bei Niederlassung im Ausland werden die international Offices beschrieben):
Abbildung 3: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
Klassifikationen/Kategorien und Eintragungsvoraussetzungen von Local Offices
Quelle: Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning: Engineer & Consulting Offices Accrediting Committee
Eigene Darstellung, freie ÜbersetzungAuch im Registration Act des AARCQ heißt es in Artikel 15[6], dass nur registrierte Architekten den Beruf eigenständig ausüben dürfen. Einzige Ausnahme bildet die Konstellation, dass ein Architekt in einem Architekturbüro die Architektentätigkeit als Angestellter und unter Aufsicht eines registrierten Architekten ausübt.
Schutz der Berufsbezeichnung
Nach dem Registration Act dürfen nach Artikel 15 nur registrierte Architekten die Bezeichnung „Architect“ führen. Dies gilt auch für alle Verbindungen des Begriffs „Architects“ mit anderen Wörtern oder Initialen.
In einem Register werden nach dem Architects Act[7] Kapitel III (Registration of Architects) folgende Angaben der Mitglieder geführt:
Angaben im Register of Architects
the full name with date of birth, nationality and residential address of the architect ;
his qualification for registration, and the date on which he obtained that qualification and the authority which conferred it ;
the date of his first admission to the register;
his professional address ; and
such further particulars as may be prescribed by rules.
Abbildung 4:
Angaben im Register of Architects nach dem Architects ActDas aktuelle Register mit allen Mitgliedern kann unter folgendem Link eingesehen werden: http://www.aarcq.org/register_architects.htm
Mitgliedschaft bei Berufsinstitution
Im 5. Teil des Gesetzes Law No. (19)/2005 ist festgelegt, dass die Registrierung in das „Register of Engineers“ zur Berufsausübung verpflichtend ist.
Die Registrierung in das Register of Architects ist nur für die eigenständige Berufsausübung notwendig.
Verfahren zur Berufsanerkennung
Architektenausbildung und Berufsanerkennung in Katar für lokale Architekten
Im Architects Act werden folgende Qualifikations-Voraussetzungen[8] für die Eintragung in das Register of Architects gefordert:
Qualifikations-Voraussatzungen zur Eintragung ins Register of Architects
- Bachelor Degree of Architecture awarded by Qatari Universities established by an Act of the Central or State Legislature.
- National Diploma (Formally All Qatar Diploma) in Architecture awarded by the All Qatar Council for Technical Education.
- Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) awarded by the Qatari Institute of Technology incorporated under Section 3 of the Institutes of Technology Act, 1962 (59 of 1961).
- Five-Year full-time Diploma in Architecture
- Diploma in Architecture awarded by the School of Architecture,
- Membership of the Qatari Institute of Architects.
- Bachelor Degree in Architecture awarded by the School of Planning of Architecture, Doha
- Diploma in Architecture awarded by the Institute of Environment Design to the students trained at the D.C. Patel School of Architecture, Vallabh Vidya Nagar (Gujarat).
Für die Registrierung muss zunächst das Antragsformular ausgefüllt werden (abrufbar unter http://www.aarcq.org/registration.htm). Zusätzlich werden folgende Unterlagen benötigt:
Unterlagen zur Registrierung im Register of Architects
- Certificate showing your qualifications in architecture from Qatar
- Academic Certificates B.Sc. (Arch), M.Sc. (Arch)
- Your country Professional Competence (if application is for International Registration)
- CV
- Company Profile
- Recognition of Academic Qualifications
- Application fee
Sofern die Eintragung in das Register of Engineers nach dem Gesetz 19/2005 angestrebt wird, müssen folgende Bedingungen erfüllt sein:
The conditions for registration in the Register of Engineers
- Must be a Qatari citizen or resident in the State.
- Must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or equivalent from a famous university or institute.
- Be in possession of full civil capacity.
- Must have good track record and reputation, must be never convicted of a felony or sentenced to prison for an offense involving moral turpitude or dishonesty, what he has been rehabilitated.
- To pass the tests of the technical capabilities in the field of specialization, according to the conditions and controls established by a decision on the recommendation of the Committee.
Die Erfahrungsstufe der Ingenieure beeinflusst die Kategorie der Eintragung in das Register of Engineers:
Abbildung 5: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
Klassifikationen von Ingenieuren
Quelle: Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning: Engineer & Consulting Offices Accrediting Committee
Eigene DarstellungBewerber müssen folgende Unterlagen vorlegen:
Dokumente zur Eintragung als Engineer
- copy of valid personal identity card (ID).
- certificate of bachelor of engineering or equivalent in the specialization requested to be licensed for practicing, provided that it must be issued by one of the recognized universities and institutes and certified by the competent authorities.
- any other technical qualification provided that they must be issued one of the recognized universities and institutes and certified by the competent authorities.
- certificate issued by the Committee that he passed the technical ability tests in the field of his specialization.
- official certificate that he was not finally convicted of a felony or punished with a liberty restricting sentence in an offence involving honor or honesty or that he was acquitted therefrom; provided that no more than three months have passed following issuance of such certificate.
- undertaking not to work in any of the ministries or other government organs or public authorities and institutions, or carry out contracting works or trade in building materials or other materials relating to the execution of projects of any size or kind, Or seek to obtain any other work in a manner inconsistent with the profession ethics or practices and to devote himself to the works of the profession.
In das Register werden nach Article 3 des Law No. (19) of 2005 folgende Daten eingetragen:
Daten im Register of Engineers
- name of the engineer, his date of birth and full address.
- number of his identity card (ID).
- number and date of enrollment in the register.
- his academic qualifications and the branch of his specialization indicating the name and location of the university or institute and the date of graduation.
- name of the ministry or government organ or any other recognized body or engineering office he worked with as an engineer and the duration of such work.
- duration of training, if any, and the office in which he was trained.
- the engineering specialization he is licensed to practice.
- the category under which he is classified and any modifications thereto.
- gist and date of the decisions issued by the Committee regarding the engineer.
- gist of the final disciplinary decisions or judgments relating to the profession practicing issued against the engineer.
- certificate of passing the technical ability tests in the field of his specialization.“
Gesetzgrundlage zur Anerkennung deutscher Diplome/Bachelor/Master
In Kapitel 2, Artikel 2 des Law No 19/2005 steht unter den Eintragungsvoraussetzungen zur Registrierung als Engineer, dass ein Bachelorabschluss oder Ähnliches von anerkannten Universitäten Eintragungsvoraussetzung ist.
“2. certificate of bachelor of engineering or equivalent in the specialization requested to be licensed for practicing, provided that it must be issued by one of the recognized universities and institutes and certified by the competent authorities.
3. any other technical qualification provided that they must be issued one of the recognized universities and institutes and certified by the competent authorities.”[13]
Die anerkannten Universitäten können unter folgendem Link eingesehen werden:
Verfahren zur Berufsanerkennung von deutschen Architekten
Zur Eintragung in Register of Architects müssen von ausländischen Architekten folgende Unterlagen eingereicht werden:
Requirements for International Registration in Qatar
- Certificate showing Overseas qualifications in architecture
- Certificate showing Overseas qualifications in architecture
- Academics Certificates B.Sc. (Arch), M.Sc. (Arch)
- Your country Professional Competence (if application is for International Registration)
- CV
- Company Profile
- Recognition of Academic Qualifications
- Application fee
Deutsche Architekten müssen zur Eintragung in das Engenieers Register die gleichen Bedingungen erfüllen wir in Abschnitt „Verfahren zur Berufsanerkennung“ weiter oben beschrieben wurde.
Kosten zur Eintragung ins Engineers Register
Die Eintragung in das Register of Engineers kostet für alle Kategorien (1-3)[14] einmalig 300 QR und alle 2 Jahre weitere 200 QR.
Für die Eintragung in das Register of Architects wird unterschieden zwischen[15]:
Abbildung 6: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
Gebühren zur Eintragung in das Register of ArchitectsFortbildungssystem
Bei der Spezialisierung zu einem Engineer muss eine Prüfung bestanden werden. Gesetzlich ist eine weitere Fortbildungspflicht nicht verankert.
typische Protektionismen
Abbildung 7: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index 2011, http://cpi.transparency.org/cpi2011/results/, 24.07.2012Nach der Studie von Transparency International, ist in Katar mit äußerst geringen Korruptionsvoraussetzungen zu rechnen. Im Jahr 2011 wurde in Katar zudem eine Anti-Korruptions-Behörde etabliert.[16]
Niederlassung im Ausland – Bürogründung
Ausländische Architekten müssen sich vor der Bürogründung nach dem Gesetz 19/2005 im Register of global engineering and consultancy offices registrieren.
Folgende Bedingungen müssen dafür erfüllt sein:
Conditions for registration in the Register of global engineering and consultancy offices:
- The office shall be a branch of a main office outside the country, the office must have a license to practice the profession of engineering consultancy in the country which issued the license. And must have, since the issuance of this license, at least ten years during which the main office has been engaged to work in the profession of engineering consultancy without stop.
- The Office, requests for the license, should provide the applicant an undertaking from the main office attested by the concerned Qatari Embassy, including its commitment to support the office called for the license and assume all the obligations that comes from practicing the profession of engineering consultancy in the country, and should prove, by an official documents, the contract of establishing the main office, its statute, if any , its activity, financial solvency and the work done outside the state.
- The engineer, in charge of the branch office, must be registered in the Register of Engineers, should have obtained a degree from a famous university or institute that illustrate his specialization in one of the engineering branches in which the office need to be recorded , and should have a practical experience not less than ten years, and the other engineers working in the office should have the conditions determined by the executive Regulations of this law.
- In order for the companies, which may be natural persons and legal foundation for the practice of the profession of engineering consultancy to be recorded in the register of local engineering consultancy offices should follow these conditions:
- The contribution of Qatari partners in the capital must not be less than (51%).
- The non-Qatari partners of engineers must be registered in the register of Engineers, or from the offices working in the field of engineering consultancy.
Generell müssen für alle „international offices“ müssen folgende Bedingungen erfüllt sein:
Bedingungen für international offices:
- Required practicing the profession for the main office for ten years without a break.
- It should have four branches other than its native branch.
- Required completion of ten projects in five countries other than home country and availed at least
- (100)million riyals.
- If the office is owned by natural or legal partners, the share of the Qatari partners is not less than 51% and the non-Qatari partners should be registered at the engineers register. (Article 6 of the Law).
- The office should be appropriate and Committee should be informed of its address and any change in the address within 30 days from the date of change (article 15 of the Law).
- The registration certificate and any changes thereon should be hung at a visible place in the office (article 22 of the regulation).
- The owners of the consultancy offices, its partners and employees are not allowed to work at the State’s departments, public corporations or contracting companies or to deal with the building materials (articles 17 and 18 of the law).
- No assignment from the office license is allowed unless the approval from the Committee is obtained (article 8 of the Law).
- Not work in any specialization or category for which the license is not granted. (Article 7 of the law).
- The office or engineer is not allowed to take any legal procedure against any engineer or office unless the written approval from the Committee is obtained (article 21 of the law). [18]
Die Liste der derzeit registrierten International Consultancy Offices ist unter folgendem Link einsehbar: http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/pdocs/cview?siteID=2&docID=1241&year=2011
Nach Kapitel III, Artikel 6 “Enrollment in the Register of International Engineering Consultancy Offices” des Law No. (19) of 2005 müssen zur Antragstellung folgende Dokumente eingereicht werden:
Dokumente zur Eintragung eines International Engineering Consultancy Office
- true copy of the memorandum of association of the main office in its homeland and the articles if any.
- a certificate issuing from the competent authorities in the homeland of the main office proving that it has been practicing the engineering consultancy profession for at least ten years continuously.
- certified valid certificates of licenses for branches of the main office in at least four countries other than its homeland.
- the annual budget of the main office for the three years preceding the date of application, provided that it must be audited by one of the certified auditing offices.
- list of ten projects achieved by the office or one of its branches in countries other than its homeland, from which it earned at least one hundred million riyals, and the documents and records showing the details of those projects must be attached to such list.
- true copy of the quality appraisal or international professional competence certificates obtained by the main office or one of its branches if any.
- unconditional undertaking certified by the concerned Qatar embassy to carry out the following:
- bear all obligation arising from practicing the engineering consultancy profession in Qatar by the branch office.
- Encourage the national industry and give it priority in the specifications to be prepared by the branch office in accordance with the applicable laws.
- Provide the branch office with the necessary technical expertise, and insure it, its employees and the engineering works carried out by the office in Qatar with one of the Qatari insurance companies.
- the academic qualifications and experience certificates of the engineers and employees to be affiliated to work in the office, provided that such qualifications and certificates must be approved by the competent bodies.
- the certificates of enrollment in the Register of Engineers of all engineers to be affiliated to work in the office.
- the documents relating to the conditions required for the Engineer Responsible and the Authorized Signatory for the branch office, and in particular, the following:
- the academic qualifications obtained by him, and which indicate his specialization in one of the engineering branches in which the office is sought to be enrolled, provided that they are issued by one of the recognized universities or institutes and approved by the concerned authorities.
- Certificate of working experience for not less than ten years, five of which in the main office; and if the Engineer Responsible or the authorized Signatory is a national of Qatar, it suffices that his experience is not less than ten years.
- Undertaking to remain in Qatar permanently, which will not be affected by the fact of leaving it for normal vacations or temporarily exceptional periods.
- The license of practicing the profession in his country.
- The certificate of enrollment in the Register of Engineers.
- Copy of valid identity card (ID).
Nach Article 7 des Law No. (19) of 2005 müssen im Register folgende Angaben veröffentlicht werden:
The page of enrollment in the Register of International engineering Consultancy Offices must include the following information:
- the name of the licensed branch engineering office, its nationality, full address in Qatar and the date and number of its enrollment in the register.
- the name and address of the main office and its other branches outside Qatar.
- the name of the engineer in charge of the office management, his nationality and full address.
- the number and names of the engineers working in the branch office, their specializations and nationalities.
- the engineering specializations licensed for the office to practice and any modifications that might occur thereto.
- the number of the commercial license of the office.
- gist of the final disciplinary decisions ordering the striking out of the Engineer in Charge of the office management or any of the engineers working therein from the register in which they are enrolled or suspending the branch office from practicing the profession in the State. [20]
Kosten zur Eintragung als International OfficeDie Registrierungskosten betragen einmalig QR 25.000 und alle 2 Jahre QR 20.000. Zudem beträgt die Gebühr für jede Spezialisierung QR 4000. [21]
Abbildung 8:
Qatar – Salary and Labour Market Guide 09 – eigene Darstellung [22] - Architektenvertrag
Allgemeines Vertragsrecht
Die Grundlage des Vertragsrechts ist im Zivilgesetzbuch aus dem Jahr 2004 (Civil Code Qatar Law No (22) of 2004 Promulgating the Civil Code) festgelegt. Sofern Lücken oder Interpretationsschwierigkeiten bestehen, wird auf die Scharia zurückgegriffen, welche nach der Verfassung aus dem Jahr 2004 Artikel 1 die Hauptrechtsquelle ist. [1]
Ab Artikel 91 bis Artikel 95 des Law No (22) of 2004 Promulgating the Civil Code werden die Vertragsformen beschrieben (Forms of Contracts).
Forms of Contracts (Law No (22) of 2004 Promulgating the Civil Code)
Article 91
1. No particular form of consent shall be required for concluding the contract unless otherwise required by the law.
2. If the law imposes a particular form for concluding the contract and such form is not observed, the contract shall be invalid.Article 92
If the contracting parties stipulate a particular form for the formation of the contract, neither of them may, without the consent of the other, plead the formation of the contract unless it takes the agreed form.
Article 93
If the law requires a particular form or the contracting parties agree on it as necessary and doubt arises over whether the form is required for forming the contract or otherwise, it shall not be regarded as a requirement for such formation.
Article 94
If the law or the agreement requires a particular form for creating the contract, such form shall be observed in the promise contract thereof and the subsequent agreements amending its effects, not in the supplementary or detailed conditions added thereto without contradicting its contents, unless otherwise stipulated by the law or permitted by the nature of the transaction.
Article 95
If the contract concerns an object, the delivery of such object shall not be required for creating the contract unless otherwise required by the law, the agreement or usage.
Abbildung 9:
Vertragsformen nach dem Zivilgesetzbuch[2]Die Rechtskraft des Vertrages (Binding Force of Contracts) wird ab Artikel 171 festgelegt. So heißt es in Artikel 171:
Article 171
The contract is the law of the contracting parties. It shall not be revoked or amended without the agreement of the two parties, or for the reasons prescribed by the law. However, if general unforeseen and exceptional events crop up and their occurrence results in rendering the implementation of the contractual obligation, though not impossible, an exhausting factor that threatens the debtor with an enormous loss, the judge shall, according to conditions of the case and after balancing the interests of the two parties, reduce the exhaustive obligation reasonably. Any agreement to the contrary shall be void.
In Teil III Work Contracts werden ab Artikel 682 die allgemeinen Vertragsbedingungen festgelegt:
Chapter I – Contract Agreements
Section I – General Rules for Contract Agreements
I: Provision of Materials ab Artikel 683
II: Contractor’s Obligations ab Artikel 687
III: Obligations of the Work Owner ab Artikel 692[3]In Artikel 700 heißt es, dass ein Anstieg der Materialpreise keine Auswirkungen auf die Vertragspflichten hat:
In accordance with the provisions of clause 2 of Article 171, the rise in the prices of primary materials or the wages of labor and other costs shall have no effect on the obligations resulting from the contract.
Artikel 700
In accordance with the provisions of clause 2 of Article 171, the rise in the prices of primary materials or the wages of labor and other costs shall have no effect on the obligations resulting from the contract.
[1] https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Recht-Zoll/wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht,did=458796.html 15.11.2012
[2] http://lexemiratidotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/qatar-civil-code-law-no-22-of-2004.pdf
[3] http://lexemiratidotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/qatar-civil-code-law-no-22-of-2004.pdf
- Leistungsinhalte
Nach Gesetz 19/2005 wird zwischen folgenden Disziplinen unterschieden:
Differenzierung des Engineers
a. Civil Engineering:
Water, irrigation and drainage engineering – Road engineering – Airports & Ports
engineering – Basis & Soil engineering – Construction engineering – Public works
engineering – Health& environment engineering – Survey engineering
b. Architectural engineering
Architecture – Architectural engineering – Cities planning – Urban design
c. Mechanics engineering
Mechanical Power Engineering – Conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilation
Engineering – Engineering of Fluid Mechanics
d. Electricity & Electronics engineering
(Electricity engineering – Electronic & Computer engineering – Electrical Power
Engineering and Automatic Control – Electrical distribution networks Engineering
e. Chemicals, Petroleum& Gas engineering
Mines & mining engineering – Materials installation engineering – Geological
Engineering – Chemical engineering – Metallurgical engineering – Petroleum & Gas
engineering – Petrochemical Engineering
f. Quantities surveying, Cost Assessment
Quantities surveying – Cost Assessment
g. ProjectManagement
Projectmanagement in all specializations and engineering
h. Industrial engineering
Systems Engineering
Abbildung 10:
Differenzierungen des EngineersNach dem Architects Act wird zwischen folgenden Aufgabenbereichen eines Architekten differenziert:
Differenzierungen des Architects
Landscape Architecture
Interior Architecture
Architectural Conservation
Retrofitting of Buildings
Graphic Design and Signage
Abbildung 11:
Differenzierungen des Architects[1]
Der Aufgabenbereich des Architekten gliedert sich nach dem Architects Act in folgende Bereiche:
SCOPE OF WORK: The Architect is required to provide services
Taking Client’s instructions and preparation of design brief.
Site evaluation, analysis and impact of existing and / or proposed development on its immediate environs.
Design and site development.
Structural design.
Sanitary, plumbing, drainage, water supply and sewerage design.
Electrical, electronic, communication systems and design.
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning design (HVAC) and other mechanical systems.
Elevators escalators etc.
Fire detection, Fire protection and Security systems etc.
Periodic inspection and evaluation of Construction works.
Abbildung 12:
Aufgabenbereich des Architects[2]Leistungsphasen
Nach dem Architects Act gibt es in Katar folgende Leistungsphasen:
Abbildung 13:
Leistungsphasen nach dem Architects Act[3]Diese Leistungsphasen beinhalten folgende Leistungen des Architekten:
Schedule of Services
Ascertain Client’s requirements, examine site constraints & potential ; and prepare a design brief for Client’s approval.
Prepare report on site evaluation, state of existing buildings, if any ; and analysis and impact of existing and/ or proposed development on its immediate environs.
Prepare drawings and documents to enable the Client to get done the detailed survey and soil investigation at the site of the project.
Furnish report on measures required to be taken to mitigate the advers impact, if any, of the existing and / or proposed development on its immediate environs.
Prepare conceptual designs with reference to requirements given and prepare rough estimate of cost on area basis.
Modify the conceptual designs incorporating required changes and prepare the preliminary drawings, sketches, study model, etc., for the Client’s approval along with preliminary estimate of cost on area basis.
Prepare drawings necessary for Client’s/ statutory approvals and ensure compliance with codes, standards and legislation, as applicable and assist the Client in obtaining the statutory approvals thereof, if required.
Prepare working drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities sufficient to prepare estimate of cost and tender documents including code of practice covering aspects like mode of measurement, method of payments, quality control procedures on materials & works and other conditions of contract.
Invite, receive and analyse tenders advise Client on appointment of contractors
Prepare and issue working drawings and details for proper execution of works during construction.
Approve samples of various elements and components.
Check and approve shop drawings submitted by the contractor/ vendors
Visit the site of work, at intervals mutually agreed upon, to inspect and evaluate the Construction Works and where necessary clarify any decision, offer interpretation of the drawings/specifications, attend conferences and meetings to ensure that the project proceeds generally in accordance with the conditions of contract and keep the Client informed and render advice on actions, if required.
In order to ensure that the work at site proceeds in accordance with the contract documents/ drawings and to exercise time and quality controls, the day-to-day supervision will be carried out by a Construction Manager (Clerk of Works/ Site Supervisor or Construction Management Agency in case of a large and complex project), who shall work under the guidance and direction of the Architect and shall be appointed and paid by the Client.
Issue Certificate of Virtual Completion of works.
Prepare and submit completion reports and drawings for the project as required and assist the Client in obtaining „Completion/ Occupancy Certificate“ from statutory authorities, wherever required.
Issue two sets of as built drawings including services and structures.
Abbildung 14:
Inhalte der Leistungsphasen in Katar[4][1] http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
[2] http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
[3] http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
[4] http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
- Honorar
Das Architektenhonorar ist durch das AARCQ[1] in den „Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges“ vorgegeben. Dies ist allerdings keine gesetzliche Regelung, sondern lediglich eine Honorarempfehlung. Hierin heißt es, dass dem Architekten ein Honorar nach den folgenden Projektphasen gezahlt werden soll.
Architektenhonorar nach Projektphasen
Stage 1
On submitting conceptual designs and rough estimate of cost.
10% of the total fees payable.
Stage 2
On submitting the required preliminary scheme for the Client’s approval along with the preliminary estimate of cost.
20% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stage 1.
Stage 3
On incorporating Client’s suggestions and submitting drawings for approval from the Client/ statutory authorities, if required.
Upon Client’s / statutory approval necessary for commencement of construction, wherever applicable.
30% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 and 2.
35% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages1 to 3a.
Stage 4
Upon preparation of working drawings, specifications and
schedule of quantities sufficient to prepare estimate of cost
and preparation of tender documents.
45% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages1 to 3a.
Stage 5
On inviting, receiving and analysing tenders advising Client
on appointment of contractors
55% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 4.
Stage 6
On submitting working drawings and details required for commencement of work at site.
On completion of 20% of the work
On completion of 40% of the work
On completion of 60% of the work
On completion of 80% of the work
On Virtual Completion
65% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 5.
70% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 6a.
75% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 6b(i).
80% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 6b(ii).
85% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 6b(iii).
90% of the total fees payable less payment already made
at Stages 1 to 6b(iv).
Stage 7
On submitting Completion Report and drawings for issuance
of completion/ occupancy certificate by statutory
authorities, wherever required and on issue of as built
100% of the fees payable less payment already made at
various stages and retainer.
Abbildung 15:
Architektenhonorar nach Projektphasen[2][1] Architect’s Accreditation Registration Council of Qatar
[2] http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
- Haftung/Versicherung
Gesetzesgrundlagen und Haftungsregelungen
Prinzipiell gilt in Katar nach Artikel 711 und 712 des Zivilgesetzes die „Decennial Liability“ (10-jährige Haftung).
Hiernach haben das Bauunternehmen und der Ingenieur eine gemeinsame 10-jährige Haftung, selbst, wenn die Ursache des Schadens aus dem Bauuntergrund resultiert. Der Garantieanspruch verjährt jedoch nach drei Jahren, „wobei die Verjährungsfrist für eventuelle Ansprüche aus der Garantie drei Jahre beträgt“ [1]
Inhalte der Artikel 711 und 712:
Article 711
The engineer and the contractor shall jointly guarantee the buildings or fixed installations they have erected against any whole or partial demolition or defect for a period of ten years, even if the demolition or defect results from a defect in the land itself, or the establishment of the faulty buildings has been approved by the work owner. This guarantee shall cover any defects developed by the buildings and installations and resulting in threatening their strength and safety.
If the contracting parties intend to keep the buildings or installations standing for less than ten years, the guarantee shall insure during the less period. In all cases, this period shall start from the date the work is received. The provisions of this article shall not apply to the contractor’s right of recourse against subcontractors.[2]
Article 712
1. If the engineer’s job is confined to creating a design for the building or structure or any part thereof, he shall be liable only for the defects attributable to the design he has created not for the defects attributable to the method of execution.
2. If the work owner assigns the engineer to supervise the execution or any part thereof, the engineer shall also be liable for the defects attributable to the method of execution he has been assigned to supervise.Versicherungspflichten
Es gibt in Katar keine gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Versicherungspflichten, jedoch wird besonders in Verträgen von staatlichen Bauprojekten eine Versicherungsabdeckung gefordert. Darüber hinaus muss die im Zivilgesetz in den Artikel 711 und 712 beschriebene 10-jährige Haftung beachtet werden.[3] Das AARCQ empfiehlt vertraglich die Architektenhaftung auf drei Jahre zu limitieren. [4]
Nach der Architects’s Accreditation Registration Council of Qatar hingegen wird eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung von Architekten gefordert:
6.0 Professional Liabilities:
6.1 Indemnity Insurance: The architect is required to indemnify the client against losses and damages incurred by the client through the acts of the Architect and shall take out and maintain a Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy, as may be mutually agreed between the Architect and the Client, with a Nationalised Insurance Company or any other recognized Insurance Company by paying a requisite premium. [5]Zudem wird in Gesetz 19/2005 für die Registrierung als Engineering Office der Nachweis einer Versicherung gefordert.
Übernahme durch deutsche Berufshaftpflichtversicherungen
Grundsätzliche Informationen zur Auslandsberufshaftpflichtversicherung deutscher Architekten
[1] Hök, Sebastian: Handbuch des internationalen und ausländischen Baurechts. 2. Auflage. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2005, 2012 S.1036
[2] Qatar Civil Code
[3] Marcus Boeglin, Michael E Schneider, Fadi Sabsabi and Ram Saleh Lalive in Qatar LLC; Qatar. In: Getting the Deal through. Construction 2012; London: Law Business Research Ltd. 2011
[4] http://www.aarcq.org/liability.htm
[5] AARCQ; Liability; http://www.aarcq.org/liability.htm; 05.02.2013
- Baurecht
Struktur des Baurechts
Da die für das Baurecht relevanten Rechtsvorschriften in Katar nur schwer zugänglich sind, kann an dieser Stelle nur ein allgemeiner Einblick mit einer Aufführung der relevanten Vorschriften gegeben werden. Darüber hinaus sind die Gesetze lediglich kostenpflichtig zu erwerben und dürfen somit nicht an anderer Stelle veröffentlicht werden. Die folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick über relevante Gesetze:
Law on the control of buildings Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Housing Law Act – Law of the housing system
Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) –http://www.gcc-legal.org/mojportalpublic/DisplayLegislations.aspx?country=3&LawTreeSectionID=5777
Tender Law – Law on the organization of tenders and auctions
>> seit 2012 in Kraft
Code for the Construction Sector – Baugesetzbuch
Qatar, Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning Resolution No. (2) of 2011http://arablawsworld.com/law_info.php?law_id=10344 kostenpflichtig US$ 140.00
Qatar Minister of Economy and Trade Decree No. (155) of 2007 concerning the Approval of the Qatar National Construction Standards as Binding Technical Regulations
Qatar National Construction Standards 2010 (Green Building Code)
Ministry of EnvironmentSeit 2012 ist in Katar ein neues Baugesetzbuch in Kraft getreten. Zudem wurden im Jahr 2007 mit der Verordnung 155/2007 die Qatar National Construction Standards als verbindliche technische Vorschriften festgelegt. Die aktuelle Version der Construction Standards wurde 2010 veröffentlicht. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis der Construction Standards kann unter folgendem Link eingesehen werden: http://web1.moe.gov.qa/QCS/pdfpath/QCSTitles.pdf
Katar besitzt bislang kein spezifisches Planungsgesetz für die Erstellung von Raumentwicklungsplänen.[1] Im Rahmen der Bewerbung auf die Ausrichtung der Fußballweltmeisterschaft hat sich Katar mit diesem Zustand auseinandergesetzt und die „Qatar National Development Strategy 2011-2016“ aufgestellt. Hiernach formuliert die Regierung folgende Ziele:
- It will formulate a robust land-use policy for developing a spatial hierarchy of coherent plans.
- It will strengthen the regulatory processes for standardizing systems, codes and controls. Consideration will be given to institutional arrangements that can support improved and integrated regulation.
- To support new arrangements, the government will foster collaborative mechanisms among all the relevant players. This must include integrating the plans of entities that operate outside the current system.
- The government will need to direct more resources to strengthening planning and implementation capabilities in municipalities and at the centre. [2]
Das “Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology” (QS) ist in Katar für nationale Standards zuständig. QS wurde im Jahr 2002 durch das Gesetz No. 16/2002 eingerichtet und ist für folgende Bereiche zuständig: [3]
- Developing and issuing National Standards;
- Following up the conformity to QS;
- Conducting research and studies;
- Providing advice for concerned bodies;
- Issuing, distributing and selling QS publications and periodicals;
- Proposing the legislation related to the standards and metrology. [4]
Zudem wurden durch das Gesetz No. 16/2002 die “Qatar National Buildings Specifications“ (QNBS) durch die Construction Specifications (QSC) ersetzt.[5]
Die QSC werden regelmäßig überarbeitet (2002,2007 und 2010), mit dem Ziel eine technische Leitlinie im Bausektor zu etablieren.Baugenehmigungsverfahren
Die Baugenehmigung muss beim Ministry of Municipalty and Urban Planning beantragt werden. Zudem werden alle eingereichten Bauvorhaben von der Urban Planning Autority (UPA) und der Designs Monitoring Unit (DMU) überprüft. [6]
Schritte des Baugenehmigungsprozesses [7]
Obtain application form from the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning.
Complete the form, include personal details, building and site details and land owner details.
Supply title deed, ID and proof of legal representation, if any.
Submit application with documents to the ministry for approval.
Pay appropriate fees.
The application will be validated and transferred to the UPA and DMU, where an engineer will study the design for approval and make recommendations to the proper authorities. Once approved, the permit will be delivered by mail or in person.
Abbildung 16:
Schritte des Baugenehmigungsprozesses – eigene DarstellungZu den in Punkt 4 (Schritte des Baugenehmigungsprozesses) einzureichenden Unterlagen zählen folgende Dokumente:
• Ownership Certificate
• Land plan showing the location, area, and neighboring plots of land.
• Copy of the applicants ID card
• Copy of company’s registration certificate[8]Gebühren einer Baugenehmigung [9]
Those applying to build on a new site must pay the following fees:
License fees0.15% of estimated fees
Map checking fees
0.20% of license fees
Palestine fees
15% of map checking fees
Insurance fees
0.5% of estimated fees
Those applying to add a building to their property must pay:
Adding fees25% of Building Permit fees
Abbildung 17:
Gebühren einer BaugenehmigungDie Gesamtkosten einer Baugenehmigung haben sich seit 1998 nicht geändert und belaufen sich auf QAR 100.[10]
Construction Completion Certificate
Nach der Baufertigstellung muss das “Construction Completion Certificate” beantragt werden. Hierzu muss der Inhaber der Baugenehmigung das Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning informieren. Im nächsten Schritt wird das Ministerium überprüfen, ob das Projekt mit den eingereichten Zeichnungen übereinstimmt. Sofern alle Bedingungen erfüllt sind, wird das “Construction Completion Certificate” ausgestellt. [11]
Schritte für das Baufertigstellungszertifikat – Construction Completion Certificate [12]
Obtain application form from the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning.
Complete the application to include personal details, building and site details, and land owner details.
Supply all supporting documents, including maps, Building Permit, ID, title deed, and proof of legal representation, if any.
Submit application and documents to the ministry for approval.
Pay appropriate fees. A fee of QR 1.000 applies for each certificate.
If irregularities are found, the application will be sent to the Irregularities Committee for assessment. The Construction Completion Certificate will be delivered once it is approved.
Abbildung 18:
Schritte für das BaufertigstellungszertifikatDie Weltbank bewertet die Schwierigkeiten zur Erlangung einer Baugenehmigung als verhältnismäßig gering:
Abbildung 19: (zum Vergrößern bitte auf die Abbildung klicken!)
World Bank, Doing Business, http://www.doingbusiness.org/rankings, 24.07.2012[1] http://www.gsdp.gov.qa/gsdp_vision/docs/NDS_EN.pdf S. 92
[2] http://www.gsdp.gov.qa/gsdp_vision/docs/NDS_EN.pdf S. 92
[3] http://www.catnaps.org/islamic/regulations.html 14.12.2012
[4] http://www.iso.org/iso/home/about/iso_members/iso_member_body.htm?member_id=2049
[5] http://www.catnaps.org/islamic/regulations.html 14.12.2012
[6] http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=947&siteID=2 06.02.2013
[7] http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=947&siteID=2 06.02.2013
[8] http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/qatar/dealing-with-construction-permits/ 06.02.2013
[9] http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=947&siteID=2 06.02.2013
[10] http://arabic.doingbusiness.org/~/media/fpdkm/doing%20business/documents/profiles/country/QAT.pdf
[11] http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=947&siteID=2
[12] http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=947&siteID=2
- Bauvertrag
Vergabeverordnungen und Vergabeverfahren
Vergabeverfahren; sowohl von privaten als auch öffentlichen Projekten; unterliegen den Gesetzen und Vorschriften Katars. Vergabeverfahren der Regierung müssen nach den Vorgaben des Gesetzes 26/2005[1] „Promulgating the Law on Organizing Tenders and Bids“ mit Ergänzungen durch das Gesetz 22/2008 und 14/2010 abgewickelt werden. Diese Gesetze beinhalten das Ausschreibungs- und Bieter-Gesetz, welches drei Arten der Vergabeverfahren beinhaltet:
- General tenders
- Local tenders
- Selective tenders[2]
General tenders
Die “general construction tenders” müssen zweimal in zwei lokalen Tageszeitungen in Katar veröffentlicht werden (z.B. durch die Botschaft Katars). Das „Central Tenders Committee“ (CTE) muss hierbei die Ausschreibung organisieren. Alle teilnehmenden Bieter müssen in der “commercial registry” des Ministry of Business and Trade registriert sein, in der sie nach ihrer Eignung vom „Contractors Classification Commitee“ eingestuft sind. Das “Competent Tenders Committee” (COTC) ist für die Öffnung der Angebote verantwortlich und wählt die Bewerbungen aus, welche die Ausschreibungskriterien erfüllen. Das COTC empfiehlt die Besten und meist auch die Angebote mit dem niedrigsten Preis. Diese Empfehlungen werden dann vom minister of economy and finance innerhalb von 30 Tagen überprüft.
Local tender
Local Tenders werden nur in einer Tageszeitung in Katar veröffentlicht. Alle Bewerber müssen in der Commercial Registry des Ministry of Business Trade registriert sein. Das Gesamtauftragsvolumen von local tenders darf QR 5 Millionen nicht übersteigen und das Local Tender Committee ist für die Organisation der Ausschreibung verantwortlich.
Selective tenders oder auch limited tender
Selective tenders müssen ähnlich wie die general tenders veröffentlicht werden, jedoch ist dieses Verfahren für eine begrenzte Bewerbergruppe bestimmt.
Generell ist das Vergabeverfahren davon abhängig, ob ein privates Unternehmen oder ein staatliches Unternehmen ausschreibt. [3]
Aktuelle Ausschreibungen können entweder auf Webseite des Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning oder beim Central Tender Committee eingesehen werden.
>> Tenders & Bids – Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning:
>> Tenders & Auctions – Central Tender Committe:
Auf der Webseite des Central Tender Committee sind zudem die Bieterbedingungen[4] aufgeführt.
Rechtsform des Bauvertrages
Der Bauvertrag ist im Zivilgesetzbuch in Teil III – Abschnitt II – Provisions Relating to Building and Construction Contracts ab Artikel 708 festgelegt. In Artikel 708 und 709 werden die Bedingungen des Einheitspreisvertrages (Estimate Value) und des Pauschalpreisvertrages (Lumpsum) erläutert.
Law No (22) of 2004 Promulgating the Civil Code [5]
Part III: Work Contracts
Chapter I – Contract Agreements
Section I – General Rules for Contract Agreements1.Provision of Materials
Article 683-686
2.Contractor’s Obligations
Article 687-691
3.Obligations of the Work Owner
Article 692-700
Article 701-702
5.Termination of the Contract Agreement
Article 703-707
Section II – Provisions Relating to Building and Construction Contracts
Article 708 -715
Abbildung 20:
Law No (22) of 2004 – ZivilgesetzIn Teil III des Zivilgesetzes wird allgemein auf Werkverträge eingegangen. Hierin sind ab Artikel 687 die Pflichten des Unternehmers aufgeführt, wonach dieser sich zur Erstellung eines Werkes in einer vertraglich definierten Frist verpflichtet, sofern diese festgelegt wurde.
Prinzipiell finden in Katar folgende Vertragsformen Anwendung:
- Built-Transfer-Own Contract (B.T.O)
- Built-Operation-Own Contract (B.O.O)
- B.O.O.T Contract (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer)
- Built-Operation-Transfer (B.O.T)
- B.R.T Contract (Build, Rent and Transfer)
- D.B.M (Design, Build and Maintenance)
- D.B.O (Design, Build and Operation)
Am häufigsten kommt der B.O.T Contract (Build, Operate and Transfer) zur Anwendung.
Generell variieren Vertragsformen in Abhängigkeit von der Projektgröße. Die meisten kleinen und mittelgroßen Projekte werden über folgende Vertragsarten abgewickelt:
- Engineer, procure and construct (EPC/turnkey).
- „Traditional“ procurement with design pre-arranged by the client.
- Build-only contracts with a single contractor.[7]
Auch wenn Katar bislang nicht eines der aktuell 94 Mitglieder der FIDIC ist (Stand: Dezember 2012), werden die Vertragsvorlagen des FIDIC angewendet, jedoch seltener als in anderen Ländern der Region.[8]
standardisierte Vertragsbedingungen
Es gibt in Katar keine offiziell anerkannten standardisierten Vertragsbedingungen. Meist haben die großen Bauunternehmen ihre eigenen Vertragsvorlagen. Hierbei zählen die Vertragsvorlagen von Qatar Petroleum (QP) zu den Wichtigsten. Diese werden auch von der „Public Work Authority“ verwendet. Prinzipiell basieren diese inhaltlich auf den FIDIC-Verträgen. [9]
Für kleinere und private Bauvorhaben gibt es keine Vertragsvorlagen.[10]
Für mittelgroße und große öffentliche Bauvorhaben der Public Works Authority “Ashgal“ werden oft die von Ashgal selbst entwickelten Verträge verwendet, die Ende 2010 veröffentlicht wurden.
Andere Projekte des öffentlichen Sektors nutzen oft ihre eigenen Vertragsvorlagen, die von Juristen entwickelt werden und häufig in den meisten Teilen den FIDIC Verträgen ähneln.[11]
Abwicklung und Abnahme
Die Abwicklung und die Abnahme sind im Civil Code geregelt. Die Übersicht über die relevanten Kapitel ist weiter oben bei „Rechtsform des Bauvertrages“ dargestellt.
In Artikel 697 heißt es, dass der Bauherr nach Fertigstellung bezahlen muss. Sofern vertraglich kein Preis vereinbart wurde, muss nach Artikel 699 ein angemessener Preis vergütet werden.
In Teil II wird explizit auf Bauverträge eingegangen. Hier heißt es in Artikel 708: Sofern ein Einheitspreisvertrag (estimate value) geschlossen wurde, muss der Bauherr umgehend über die Kostensteigerungen informiert werden. Wenn ein Pauschalpreisvertrag geschlossen wurde (lumpsum), können nach Artiel 709 keine zusätzlichen Preisforderungen gestellt werden.Das “Architects’s Accreditation Registration Council of Qatar” (AARCQ) legt zudem in den “Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges“ die Verantwortlichkeiten während der Vertragsabwicklung sowohl vom Bauherrn als auch vom Architekten fest. So heißt es:
The Client shall discharge all his obligations connected with the project and engagement of the Architect as follows:
To provide detailed requirements of the project.
To provide property lease/ ownersip documents.
To provide a site plan, to a suitable scale, showing boundaries, contoursat suitable intervals, existing physical features including any existing roads, paths, trees, existing structures, existing service and utility lines and such lines to which the proposed service can be connected. In case such information is not readily available, the Client shall arrange for the survey/ collection of necessary information and pay for the same.
To furnish reports on soil conditions and test as required by the Architect or pay for the preparation of the same.
To furnish specific conditions/ Statutory stipulations/ Codes of Practice/Schedule of rates, etc., desired to be followed.
To pay all the fees, levies, security deposits and expenses in respect of statutory sanction.
To give effect to the professional advice of the Architect and cause no changes in the drawings and documents without the consent of the Architect.
To honour Architect’s bills within one month of its submission.
To appoint a Construction Manager (Clerk of Works/ Site Supervisor or Construction Management Agency in case of a large and complex project) as per the Architect’s advice.
Abbildung 21:
Aufgaben des Bauherrn während der Vertragsdurchführung [12]2. EXECUTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT :
The Architect shall keep the Client informed about the progress of work in his office.
The Architect shall appoint specialised consultants in consultation with the Client, if necessary
The Architect shall be responsible for the direction and integration of the consultants work. The consultants, however, shall be fully responsible for the calculations, the detailed design and periodic inspection and evaluation of the work entrusted to them. The Architect shall, if requested, make available the design calculations.
The Architect will advise the Client on the Time Schedule (Bar Chart/PERT/ CPM Network) prepared by the contractors for the completion of work, if required
The Architect shall supply to the Client, free of cost, upto six sets of drawings at different stages.
The Architect shall not make any deviations, alterations or omissions from the approved drawings, involving financial implications without prior consent of the Client.
Any professional services to be rendered by the Architect at the instance of the Client after the agreed project completion period shall be compensated for on mutually agreed terms.
The Architect shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of his duties and shall exercise such general superintendence and inspection as may be necessary to ensure that works are being executed in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
Any revision in the drawings, tenders and documents, once approved, required to be made by the Client shall be compensated as additional services rendered by the Architect and paid for @ 50% of the fee prescribed for the relevant stage(s).
No change shall be made in the approved drawings and specifications at site without the consent of the Architect.
Any curtailment of the professional services, beyond Stage 2, shall make it obligatory for the client to pay at least 20% of the fee for the remaining Stage(s) of the curtailed work/ Services.
Abbildung 22:
Aufgaben des Architekten [13][1] http://www.mbt.gov.qa/Arabic/Consumer/%D9%82%20%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%85%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AA.pdf 06.02.2013
http://www.ctc.gov.qa/new-tender-law.pdf 06.02.2013
Tender Law
http://www.mbt.gov.qa/English/Partners/Pages/TendersLaw.aspx 06.02.2013[2] http://www.internationallawoffice.com/newsletters/detail.aspx?g=d5a1ab5a-cf80-4d1c-96ea-ec9d6eac6830#Tendering; 06.02.2013
[3] http://www.internationallawoffice.com/newsletters/detail.aspx?g=d5a1ab5a-cf80-4d1c-96ea-ec9d6eac6830#Tendering; 06.02.2013
[4] http://www.ctc.gov.qa/tender-en.aspx ; 06.02.2013
[5] http://lexemiratidotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/qatar-civil-code-law-no-22-of-2004.pdf; 9.02.2013
[6] http://www.mbt.gov.qa/English/Partners/Pages/ContractTypes.aspx ; 9.02.2013
[7] http://construction.practicallaw.com/5-519-5882?q=#a697636 ; 9.02.2013
[8] http://www.lalive.ch/data/publications/Qatar.pdf
[9] Getting the Deal Through 2012; S.. 174
[10] http://www.qp.com.qa/en/homepage/SupplyManagement/Tenders/QPHSERegulationsforContractors.aspx
http://www.qp.com.qa/Files/HSE%20-%20CN/QP_HSE_Regulations_for_Contractors_Approved.pdf.pdf[11] http://construction.practicallaw.com/5-519-5882?q=construction+and+projects#a129974
[12] Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges Preamble
http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
[13] Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges Preamble
http://www.aarcq.org/practice.htm#a2 17.12.2012
- Kontaktadressen
Berufsrelevante Institutionen
Architect’s Accrediting Registration Council of Qatar
Qatar Habitat Centre, Core 16A, 1st Floor
Lodhhyi Road
Doha 110003 – Qatar 5
E-Mail: mail@aarcoq.org, registrar@aarcoq.org
Internet: www.aarcoq.orgQatar Society of Engineers
E-Mail: info@qatarse.org
Internet: http://www.qatarse.org/index.htmlAußenhandelskammer
Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry
P.O. Box 402, Doha, Qatar
Tel.: +974 44 55 91 11
Fax: +974 44 66 17 28
E-Mail: qcci@qatar.net.qa
Internet: www.qcci.orgGerman Industry & Commerce Office Qatar
Al Wakra Tower, 10th Floor
Al Safliya Street
P.O. Box 24481
Doha, Qatar
Tel.: +974 443 111 52
Fax: +974 443 111 54
E-Mail: info@ahkqatar.com
Internet: www.ahkqatar.comQatar e-overnment
Tel.: +974 440 699 99 -109
Fax: +974 440 699 98
E-Mail: contact@hukoomi.qa.
Internet: http://portal.www.gov.qa/wps/portal/atoz/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hLfwtnQwsLA3f_QDNnA89QM9dAs2Bvo0BHM30v_ajMpFy98uRcPQM9Q0MTMwsgMLI0NjQ0N7A01w8HGWgWb4ADOBro-3nk56bqF2QHpzk6KioCAASlKcE!/dl3/d3/L0lDUmlTUSEhL3dHa0FKRnNBL1lCUmZ3QSEhL2Vu/?changeLanguage=enBotschaft
Deutsche Botschaft – Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
6, Al Jazira Al Arabiya Street
P.O. Box 3064
Doha – Katar
Tel.: +974 44 08 23 00
Fax: +974 44 08 23 33
E-Mail: info@doha.diplo.de
Internet: http://www.doha.diplo.deAnsprechpartner in Botschaft
Wirtschaftsattaché Burkhart Matthie
Ort: Doha
Tel: +974 4876 959
Fax: +974 4876 949
E-Mail: germany@qatar.net.qaEmbassy of the Federal Republic of Qatar
Hagenstraße 56
14193 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 86 206 0
Fax: +49 30 86 206 150
E-Mail: berlin@mofa.gov.qa
Internet: www.embassy-qatar.deMinisterien/Behörden/staatliche Institutionen
Urban Planning and Development Authority – Enginering Acceptance Committee
PO Box 22423
Doha – Katar
Tel.: +974 495 5555
Fax: +794 495 5594
E-Mail: gm@up.org.qa
Internet: http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/index.dox?siteID=2
http://www.baladiya.gov.qa/cui/view.dox?id=583&siteID=2Central Tender Committee
Rawabi Street /Al Muntazah
Doha –Qatar. P.O.Box: 1908
Tel: +974 44378111/44378132
Fax: +974 44439360/44430250
E- Mmail: ctc@qatar.net.qa
Internet: http://www.ctc.gov.qa/Statistics Authority
P.O. Box 7283
Tel.: +974 445 945 55
Fax: +974 449 336 64
E-Mail: icu@qsa.gov.qa
Internet: http://www.qsa.gov.qa/eng/index.htmQatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology (QS)
Laboratories and Standardization Affairs
P.O. Box 23277
Tel: +974 4413 9 400
Fax: +974 4413 9 411
E-mail: standard@qatar.net.qa
Web: www.moe.gov.qaMinistry of Business and Trade- Investment Promotion Department
PO Box 22355
Doha – Katar
Tel.: +974 449 455 22
Fax: +974 449 330 54
E-Mail: ipd@mbt.gov.qa
Internet: http://www.mbt.gov.qa/English/Pages/Home.aspx - NAX-Kontaktarchitekten
Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze!
- Projekte der NAX-Paten
AS&P – Albert Speer & Partner GmbH
FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar, Bid Book, Katar
Al-Khor Beach Development, Al-Khor
Umgestaltung des öffentlichen Raumes, Doha
Al Khor Stadion FIFA Fußball Weltmeisterschaft 2022, Katar
Rainer Schmidt – Landschaftsarchitekten
Rainer Schmidt – Landschaftsarchitekten, Projekte Katar
- Weiterführende Literatur
Ein Großteil der Literaturquellen basiert auf den unten angegebenen Gesetzen und den in den Fußnoten angegebenen Informationen der Institutionen. Für den Leser ist vor allem folgende weiterführende Literatur von Relevanz:
Qatar Construction Sector
http://www.cbq.com.qa/cbinvest/comcap_construction_report_28032012.pdfMarcus Boeglin, Michael E Schneider, Fadi Sabsabi and Ram Saleh Lalive in Qatar LLC; Qatar. In: Getting the Deal through. Construction 2012; London: Law Business Research Ltd. 2011
Klaiber, Sven; Sievert, Niko; GTAIGTAI Germany Trade & Invest; Recht kompakt: Katar; Februar 2012; https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Content/DE/Trade/Fachdaten/PUB/2012/02/pub201202278001_11876.pdf
Sievert, Niko; GTAI; Katar: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen im Bausektor; 05.04.2012; https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Recht-Zoll/wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht,did=553560.html
GTAI: Branche kompakt – Bauwirtschaft- Katar 6.2014
GTAI: Öffentliches Vergaberecht in Katar anlässlich der WM 2022; 21.12.2010; https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Recht-Zoll/wirtschafts-und-steuerrecht,did=74190.html
GTAI: Wirtschaftsdaten kompakt Katar 11.2015
GTAI: Wirtschaftstrends Katar 5.2015
GTAI: Dienstleistungen erbringen in Katar 9.2015
Hök, Sebastian; Handbuch des internationalen und ausländischen Baurechts; 2012
Doing Business 2012; Dealing With Construction Permits; Qatar
Gesetze: http://arablawsworld.com/qatar-laws.php
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